Start your small portfolio page, family photo gallery or personal blog with a click of the mouse with this basic website hosting plan. Have an absolutely free domain name and then a large pack of features for your personal site. 99.9% server uptime as well as 30–day money–back warranties are available at the same time.
Starter Package
Our Advantages
Starter hosting at
£4.15/mo.Evaluate our hosting platform with a 30 days free of charge trial. No credit card needed.
Website Installer
Kickstart your personal sites with one click of the mouse
Our hosting packages provide you with a rapid way to build your own site, even if you lack any technical expertise. Using the Instant Site Installer incorporated into the Galloway Web Hosting Site Control Panel, creating your business or personal web site is extremely easy – just specify the kind of web site that you want and a preferred template. We’ll install your new website straight away and will give you information on how to manage it with a click.
24x7 Support
Don’t hesitate to ask us anything. We’re at your disposal 24–7–365
Waiting for a long time to obtain an answer from the help desk staff can be really frustrating, regardless of how trivial the issue is. This is the reason why, here, at Galloway Web Hosting, we provide you with a one–hour response guarantee, and our client service team members ordinarily reply within just twenty minutes through the ticketing system located in the Site Control Panel. They are at your disposal 24x7.
Free Templates
Over one hundred free–of–charge design templates within the hosting Control Panel
Are you searching for a brand new theme for your Wordpress personal journal? Need a new fresh web design layout for your Joomla™–based web site? You will be able to choose from over 100 charge–free web themes straight from within the Galloway Web Hosting Site Control Panel. Simply select the web design layout of your choosing and install it on your website with one click. Your new website will be set up with its own inimitable design within minutes. And you do not even need to leave from your Control Panel!
Data Backups
Lost your website content? Turn to our backup solution
Once put online, your web site content is generally a potential subject to cyber–thieves assaults. Alternatively, it could be affected even by your own unintended actions. Select us and, there is nothing to worry about, given that we have a backup of your web site content, which can retrieved whenever you want. What’s more, you may create manual back–up copies of your whole site with a simple click through your File Manager, which is located in the Site Control Panel. The system will successfully restore all of your files and will copy them into a ZIP archive, which will be saved in your hosting account.
Website Builder
Save cash on a web designer – publish your web sites with a single click
Save some cash on costly website design services – we offer you all the tools that you need to do the job yourself. Using the handy Free Site Generator, you can build an entire website with just a click using any of the offered ready–to–use web skins. You can then add the custom content. We offer over 100 skins for both personal and business sites with different color combinations.
Web App Installer
A fast installation of personal blogs, image galleries, etc.
Thanks to the 1–click Best Web Applications tool incorporated into the Site Control Panel, you can take your very own fully fledged web site online in a matter of minutes. With one click, your personal journal, discussion forum, online image gallery or e–store will be launched and will be ready to be used. Choose your web app, add some details associated with your new website and click the Install button. We will handle everything else instead of you! 40+ apps are present for you to pick out from.
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Service guarantees
- Sign up now. You won’t see any setup service fees and you can make full use of our 30–day refund guarantee if you’re not fully satisfied with our service.
Compare our prices
- Effortlessly review the resources and characteristics provided by our hosting plans. Find out which package will give you precisely what you need to create and manage your web sites without any difficulty.
- Compare our hosting plans
Contact Us
- You can get in contact with us during working hours on the phone for any general information.